Our Authors
- Jody Holford
- Jenny Holiday
- Joseph Holland
- Joseph H. Holland
- Geneva Holliday
- Lee Hollis
- Cheryl Hollon
- Cheryl Holt
- Desiree Holt
- Samantha Holt
- Hans Holzer
Lindsey Hooper
Lindsey Hooper is a freelance writer who loves Hemingway, cats, and fun-filled trips to the Florida Keys. Under various pseudonyms, Hooper has written more than a dozen novels in several genres including mystery, suspense, and romantic comedy. Hemingway's Cats is Hooper's first cat-related project. - Jennifer Hooper McCarty
- Lee Houck
- Kjell Tore Hovik
- Anya Howard
- Teresa Howard
- Dorothy Howell
- Hannah Howell
- Debbie Howells
- Charlotte Hubbard
- Claire Hubbard-Hall
- Anna Lee Huber
- Dale Hudson
- Lorena Hughes
- Lynne Hugo
- Ralph Hulett
- La Jill Hunt
- Angel M. Hunter
- George Hunter
- Madeline Hunter
- Travis Hunter
- Kate Huntington
- Angela Mi Young Hur
- Shona Husk
- Olivia Hussey
- Laura Lee Huttenbach
- Jeff Hwang
- Mark Hyman