Our Authors
- Octavia Cade
- Lynn Cahoon
- Jackson Cain
- Lila Cain
- Matt Cain
- Jamie Cat Callan
Colleen Cambridge
Colleen Cambridge is a pseudonym for a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author whose books have been translated into more than eight languages. She lives in the Midwest and is hard at work on her next novel. Visit her at ColleenCambridge.com. - Marc Cameron
- Rita Cameron
- Cate Campbell
- Drusilla Campbell
- J.L. Campbell
- Sasha Campbell
- Alexander Campion
- Anne Canadeo
- Charlie Carillo
- Michele Carlo
- Philip Carlo
- Emily Carpenter
- Gary Carson
- Jane Carson-Sandler
- Mary Carter
- Nikki Carter
- T.P. Carter
- Lynn Carthage
- Rhonda Lee Carver
- Rayo Casablanca
- Clark Casey
Charles Casillo
Charles Casillo is the author of the biographies Marilyn Monroe: The Private Life of a Public Icon and Outlaw: The Lives and Careers of John Rechy, as well as the novels The Fame Game and The Marilyn Diaries, and the short story collection Boys, Lost & Found. His profiles, short stories, articles, and reviews have appeared in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, New York Magazine, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and many others. He has appeared in Monroe documentaries such as Behind the Headlines: Marilyn and Her Men on Lifetime and Scandalous: The Death of Marilyn Monroe. His movies include Let Me Die Quietly and Fetish. He divides his time between New York and Los Angeles. Find him online at CharlesCasillo on Facebook and Twitter or @charles_casillo on Instagram. - Dianne Castell
- Zoey Castile
- Christopher Catherwood
- Lowell Cauffiel
- Chris Cavender
- Catherine Cavendish
- Olivia Chadha
- Holly Chamberlin
- Barry Andrew Chambers
- L.A. Chandlar
- Kabran Chapek
- Allyson Charles
- Brian Charles
- Layla Chase
- Naomi Chase
- Paula Chase
- Rachelle Chase
- Savannah Chase
- Suzanne Chazin
- Robert de la Chevotiere
- Lisa Childs
- Peter Chin
- Rosanna Chiofalo
- Paula Christian
- Pamela Christie
- Kaaren Christopherson
- The Christwire Flock
- Adam Chromy
- Kay Chronister
- Mae Clair
- Ann Claire
- Becky Clark
- Constance Ruth Clark
- Eddy Clark
- Tracy Clark
- Wahida Clark
- August Clarke
- H. A. Clarke
- John Henrik Clarke
- R. Moreen Clarke
- Kate Clayborn
- Tony Clayton
- Anne Cleeland
- Matthew Clemens
- Cynthia Clement
- Tony Clink