Tag: joanne fluke

What to Eat When You Have the Munchies

What to Eat When You Have the Munchies

When the munchies strike next, you’re ganja need a delicious snack! From salted caramel brownies to fried chicken, our authors have the perfect recipes that will satisfy your every craving…. READ MORE

Visit Your TBR Shelf

Visit Your TBR Shelf

Welcome to the #ForTheLoveOfReadingChallenge! Take part in our reading challenge all month long by using the challenge hashtag on TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and/or in our Between the Chapters Facebook Group…. READ MORE

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Red Velvet Cupcakes

We’re celebrating the release of COCONUT LAYER CAKE MURDER with a look back at some of our favorite Joanne Fluke recipes from the Hannah Swensen series! Tell us your favorite… READ MORE

Hannah’s Coconut Layer Cake

Hannah’s Coconut Layer Cake

We’re celebrating the release of COCONUT LAYER CAKE MURDER with a look back at some of our favorite Joanne Fluke recipes from the Hannah Swensen series! Tell us your favorite… READ MORE

Double Fudge Brownies

Double Fudge Brownies

We’re celebrating the release of COCONUT LAYER CAKE MURDER with a look back at some of our favorite Joanne Fluke recipes from the Hannah Swensen series! Tell us your favorite… READ MORE

Blue Blueberry Muffins

Blue Blueberry Muffins

We’re celebrating the release of COCONUT LAYER CAKE MURDER with a look back at some of our favorite Joanne Fluke recipes from the Hannah Swensen series! Tell us your favorite… READ MORE

Sally’s Chocolate Cream Pie

Sally’s Chocolate Cream Pie

We’re celebrating the release of COCONUT LAYER CAKE MURDER with a look back at some of our favorite Joanne Fluke recipes from the Hannah Swensen series! Tell us your favorite… READ MORE

Chocolate Chip Crunch Cookies

Chocolate Chip Crunch Cookies

We’re celebrating the release of COCONUT LAYER CAKE MURDER with a look back at some of our favorite Joanne Fluke recipes from the Hannah Swensen series! Tell us your favorite… READ MORE