Tag: Amanda Flower

Fact-Based Historical Fiction

Fact-Based Historical Fiction

History comes alive through the pages of these fact-based historical fiction novels, where authentic events and characters are woven into engaging and memorable stories. For readers who love both the… READ MORE

Historical Fiction Based on Real History

Historical Fiction Based on Real History

Step into the past with these gripping novels inspired by real historical events and figures. From daring adventures to heart-wrenching romances and minding mysteries, these captivating stories will transport you… READ MORE

April New Reads Roundup

April New Reads Roundup

April showers bring… new book releases! As we embrace the warmth and renewal of spring, let’s also embrace the promise of fresh stories waiting to be discovered. If the Tide… READ MORE

The Other Sibling

The Other Sibling

The most famous families in history often have certain siblings who shine bright and become destined for greatness. Sometimes that leaves important stories untold and forgotten. In honor of To… READ MORE

Mysteries Based on Real Historical Figures

Mysteries Based on Real Historical Figures

Ever wondered how real historical greats like Charles Dickens or Mary Shelley would stack up to literary detectives like Sherlock Holmes or Mrs. Marple? We’ve got books with some ideas…… READ MORE