Reading Refresh Challenge 2023

New year, new reading goals!

Readers, we’ve got some exciting news! From January to March, we’ll be hosting our Reading Refresh Challenge. There will be plenty of book recs, tips to conquer your goals, and also a chance to be a giveaway winner! To check out some of our book recs and learn more about the challenge, head to our blog.

The reader who completes all six book prompts by midnight on 3/31/2023 will be entered to win a grand prize of A stack of books in the reader's chosen genre, a reading journal, pen set, bookish necklace, pressed flowers bookmark, tote bag, and personalized book embosser. Readers who complete 3/6 prompts will receive a second place prize of Six Advanced Reviewer Copies (ARCs) in the genre(s) of the winner’s choosing. So, please make sure to use tag us and #ReadingRefreshChallenge in all of your photos for a chance to win! And if you’d like a little extra chance, make sure to share your Instagram or Goodreads handles with us, and sign up for our newsletters for more excitement.


U.S./Canadian residents 18 years old or older only. Must enter before 11:59 PM EST on 3/31/23!

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Reminder: Sweepstakes are open to U.S. and Canadian residents only (not including Rhode Island and Quebec)
Canadian residents must supply a phone number in order to be eligible.
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