Category: Q&A

Interview with Meg Jennings

Interview with Meg Jennings

by Sara Driscoll Readers, get to know Special Agent Meg Jennings form the newest F.B.I K-9 novel, Still Waters! In the latest page-turning novel from Sara Driscoll, Meg and her… READ MORE

Q&A With Alan Hlad

Q&A With Alan Hlad

What’s your favorite time period in history to write about? World War II. If the main character of Churchill’s Secret Messenger book was stranded on a desert island, what 3… READ MORE

Q&A With Lauren Elliott

Q&A With Lauren Elliott

by Lauren Elliott Tell us a little something about MURDER BY THE BOOK. Who is your main character? Why are we going to love this story? In MURDER BY THE… READ MORE

Q&A with Author Mary Monroe

Q&A with Author Mary Monroe

by Mary Monroe Q: What do you need to create the perfect writing environment? A: In addition to a reliable computer, I need complete solitude, quick access to Google, some… READ MORE

Q&A With Author Diane C McPhail

Q&A With Author Diane C McPhail

by Diane C. McPhail Q. What do you need to create the perfect writing environment? A. Mostly I just need quiet. Unless it is the rushing water of my waterfall… READ MORE