I’ll never forget the year that my sister got chicken pox two weeks before our highly anticipated late elementary summer camp. To get the timing right, we shared straws, and soon, we were both slathered in colloidal oatmeal and recovered in time for camp. Anything for camp!
There was a heart-shaped swimming hole with a waterfall slide, a snack shack with unlimited sugar handouts, and a chance I could snag my first kiss behind cabin fourteen. So, I packed my coolest happy face printed tees, bid my tamagotchi farewell, and boarded the passenger van with high hopes, a disposable camera, and my Lisa Frank diary.
These days, my summer camp wishes are condensed to a weekend beach trip, but that timeless anticipation remains: any wonderful thing can happen in the summertime.
Here are the new adult romance books that perfectly capture the long-lost feeling of summer camp magic, and release just in time to pack beside your beach towel:

As if I’d leave you without book hangover cures! Watch out for these post-summer STUNNERS:

Happy Summering (and beyond)!
Xoxo, Courtney Kae