Pam Rosenthal
Pam Rosenthal’s mom was reading a romance novel when they wheeled her into the labor room, moments before Pam was born. So Pam knows whom to thank for her lifelong love of books and reading. Her first romance novel, Almost a Gentleman, was published by Brava in May 2003, followed by The Bookseller’s Daughter in January 2004.
Pam comes from Brooklyn, New York, but has lived most of her adult life in San Francisco. Her husband, Michael, and her grown son, Jesse, share her addiction to the printed word: Michael’s a bookseller and Jesse’s a graduate student in English at Columbia University. The only guy in her life who isn’t a committed book freak and lover of cities is Ben, her recovering feral cat and model for brooding heroes who don’t know how to show their feelings. Besides books, cats, and big cities, Pam likes stagy costume movies with witty dialog and brave, bookish heroines (especially girls who get to masquerade as guys). And she’s still mourning the demise of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Before discovering erotic romance writing, Pam wrote essays and book reviews—in the San Francisco Chronicle, the online magazine, and lots of more obscure venues. She’s also published two erotic novels and some essays as Molly Weatherfield. She works as a computer programmer in San Francisco’s financial district and has also written about cyberspace and cyberpunk science fiction.