John Russo
John Russo wants everyone to know he’s really nice guy even though he loves to scare people. He started it by co-scripting the 1968 horror classic Night of the Living Dead, one of the greatest fright flicks of all time, ranked #18 on the Internet Movie Database’s top 100 Scariest Movies. (In a fine example of showmanship and multi-tasking, he also played a zombie in the film.) He also wrote the screenplays and/or stories for Midnight, Santa Claws, The Majorettes, Return of the Living Dead, Bloodsisters, and Inhuman.
Mr. Russo has authored fifteen terror-suspense novels, including Living Things, The Awakening, Voodoo Dawn, and Inhuman. His nonfiction books Scare Tactics and Making Movies are considered bibles of independent filmmaking by film students and horror fans.
Those who are not faint of heart will enjoy digging into this presentation of Midnight and Escape of the Living Dead.
Mr. Russo resides in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. To his knowledge, none of his neighbors are zombies, though “there is that one guy around the corner who is rumored to have devoured the mailman a few years ago.”