By Lisa Jackson
It’s January!
A time for new beginnings and thoughts of the coming year. As always, I’ve vowed that I’ll clean the closets, get more exercise, arrange my spice drawer, throw out the shoes I haven’t worn since the 80s, lose weight and organize my photos that aren’t digital. The ones of my kids, like, 35 years ago. Hmm. And at the top of the list? Having fun with friends and family!
This year I plan to finish the next Nikki Gillette novel set in Savannah, Georgia (one of my fave cities!) fortunately, I’ve got that story line approved and the book itself is started, if barely. I also plan to tackle the next Montoya/Bentz novel as a story with those New Orleans detectives is looong overdue. If my plans stay on track (the good Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise) those books will be available in 2021 and possibly 2022 (Hopefully sooner!) I’ll keep you posted at lisajackson.com. After a month-long vacation over the holidays, I’m eager to reconnect with the characters. To mix things up—work and pleasure–Ken and I plan to visit both Savannah and New Orleans this coming year. It will be great to soak up the wonderful atmosphere and history of both of these lovely cities.
Also, Nancy Bush and I have plotted out a joint novel where my detective from Grizzly Falls, Montana, Selena Alvarez collides with Nan’s detective September Rafferty in a bizarre murder case set in Oregon. Sister Nan and I are excited to write that one in between our individual projects. It should be fun!
Meanwhile, I’m trying to juggle life, fun and writing those thrillers that have been niggling at the back of my brain for years. Looking forward to it all.
Here’s to a great 2020 to all of your and yours!
The More You Know
The envelope delivered to Shelby Cole’s Seattle home contains no return address, just a photograph of a little girl. Shelby knows at once that this is the daughter she was told died at birth. And in that moment, Shelby knows something else: she needs to go back to Bad Luck, Texas.
The More You Tell
She’s not the only one coming home. A long-ago killing is in the news again following recanted testimony. A violent nightmare from Shelby’s past has been set free. And she can’t shake a suspicion that someone is baiting her, luring her back here for their own ends.
The More There Is To Fear
Shelby’s search for answers is met with stonewalling and hostility. Her only ally is a figure from her past—someone she has every reason not to trust. And in the midst of dark family revelations she uncovers a terrifying scheme of revenge. Because some secrets, once spoken, can never be forgotten—or forgiven . . .