Toni Kelly first discovered a passion for writing at the tender age of six when her mother would “publish” her scribbled tales using trusty old word perfect. Gradually, stories of geese and golden eggs became poems and essays until one fateful night nearly a decade later when Toni snuck a romance novel from her mother’s room. The cover’s backdrop was scenic with mountains and a lake but the couple of focus really caught her attention, a beautiful woman with long, wavy red hair and a stunningly handsome male enveloping her in his arms. Needless to say, several nights of reading later, Toni was in love with the characters as well as the romance genre itself.
So, after years of reading thousands of novels—romance as well as other genres—and several attempts to write “stories” for leisure, Toni decided to make a go of her passion and write her first full-length paranormal novel about a race of fallen angels. Why paranormal? Although Toni reads the entire spectrum of romance from historical to sci-fi, something about the impossibility of the creatures and situations fascinated. Perhaps it was those nights spent watching movies like The Never Ending Story, Willow, Legend and The Princess Bride, that fostered a hunger for the extraordinary.
When Toni is not writing or thinking up new plot ideas, she loves traveling and experiencing different cultures, languages and traditions. Many times these experiences provide inspiration for her writing. In addition to this, Toni is bilingual in English and Spanish and currently working on teaching herself Italian whenever time permits.
Thought to walk away with: Some of the most beautiful parts of life and this earth can be found at the most inopportune of times and in the most unusual of places. Always walk with your heart open.